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Smart watering systems

Frequently asked questions 

How much does an irrigation system cost?
Every property is unique with and all irrigation systems are tailored to suit the property. There are many considerations we have to take into account when designing an irrigation system some of these are for example:

  • Water supply - is it municipal supply, rain water or bore water.

  • Water pressure and volume available - this tells us how many sprinklers can operate at one time

  • Size of the irrigated areas 

  • Water requirements of plants

  • Hard landscaping - how do we get a pipe from one point to another

  • Wind - is it an exposed site

  • Slope of the property - this can have an effect on water pressure as well as ground water retention

  • Existing power supply


How does an automated irrigation work?

The property will be divided into stations(irrigation sections) normally in the city with smaller lawns and gardens each lawn will have its own station and the gardens will be on another station. Separate water valves will open and close each station when signaled by the irrigation controller. The controller will only turn on one station at a time sequentially. 


Are irrigation controllers easy to use and understand?

Yes, they are designed to be easy to use and we encourage people to get familiar with their controller as that is when they get the most out of their irrigation system. A lot of my service callouts have been due to clients programming their controller incorrectly. There is a couple of key rules when setting a program on your irrigation controller.

  •  There only needs to be one start time for the program you want to water - unless multiple cycles per day are required

  • Each station you want to water has to have a duration set 

  • Make sure to check the days you want to water are correct

  • Check the current time and date

  • Keep it simple and try and only use 1 program if possible

Normally I can run through controller programming on the phone so if you get stuck please call.


Can anyone install an irrigation system?

Absolutely! There are technical and physical aspects of installing an irrigation system. A lot can be learnt from the internet and your local irrigation supplier and installer. We are also here to help, we can let you know all you need to learn to install a system yourself and if need be we can do the trickier bits for you.


How do you get a lush even and uniform looking lawn in summer?

This is achieved at the design stage, when you have uneven coverage on sprinklers you may end up with lawns that have multiple colours from brown to dark green and also mud or dirt from being too wet or dry. To achieve a nice uniform lawn you need to water evenly, we do this by having head-to-head watering. Head-to-head watering is when the end of the sprinklers spray touches the sprinkler next to it and vise versa this ensures even coverage throughout the lawn station.


Can you install an irrigation system into an exiting lawn and garden without causing damage?

Yes, installing a system does cause a lot of disruption to existing lawns and gardens but we have plenty of years experience to put the lawns and gardens back to the way we found them. We have worked on many high profile sites including stadiums and in most cases you cant even tell we have been there.​


If you do have any other questions please get in touch.

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